New Year’s Update

I want to thank all those who commented on my last two postings. I was unable to respond until this morning.

On Friday evening and over the weekend. I had the flu. I seem to have started this year off not so right.

I am improving and I can say that I didn’t have this virus as bad as some. But, it was really bad on Saturday.

I had a terrible headache, and tummy upset. I could only think about just how alone I was and that if Dan were here, he would be taking care of me.

But, instead, God sent a few people to my rescue. I didn’t feel well enough to call my son or anyone to come and help me. I was able to just lay still so the headache would stop pounding.

Then, early Saturday afternoon, Magilynne called. She could tell that I wasn’t well and she wanted to know what she could do for me.

I told her I needed some food. I didn’t have anything here and that if she could bring me some Chicken Soup and orange juice, that would be wonderful.

A few hours later, she brought the soup, fixed it for me and I drank the orange juice…and I kept it down.

As the day progressed, I began to feel better and I was able to get up off of the couch and tend to Mozzie…poor thing. He thought that his “throat was cut” because I was unable to stand long enough to feed him…

All of this just re enforced that being alone is a little dangerous as well as miserable…

So, today, I am going to work and I am relieved that I am at one client’s house for the day…it will be a 12 hour day total, but I think that I can make it…

Just one more thing that drives home the loss and the deep need to have my mate with me…and then the tears that bring the reality that he is no longer with me.

I will get past all of these things. I have seriously considered doing a mission trip.

My husband’s daughter in law has a brother in Iraq. The locals have asked him to help orgainize and administer a hospital in the area.

I gave my daughter in law forms that I use at work as a guide line for continuity of care.

As we discussed this further, out of my mouth came, I would like to go do something like that.

Her brother is in the north of Iraq which isn’t as dangerous as the south….I am intrigued by the idea…maybe, something like this will help me more than anything else.

Don’t know. I have always had a missionary heart and I have done mission work in Haiti and loved it. Like I said, Grief can make you fearless….

Well, enough of an update…I must get ready for work…