With Each Passing Shadow

The days are settling back into the familiar routine. It has been a week since the Renewal/Ceremony. The doctor visits, the trips to the infusion center, the mountain of forms and mail that chokes out any conceivable space on my desk….

The Wedding/Renewal seems like a lovely fairy tale now, yet when I catch a glimpse of the dress hanging on the back of the door of our bedroom, it seems that there should be bit of fairy dust still clinging to it…

My husband isn’t feeling so well, now. He seems to be trying to catch one of the many viruses that is abounding in the doctor’s office. We have to go there at least once a week because of his blood work requirements. I hope that this isn’t the result of going into the germ infested place.

His hands seem paler lately. They are often cold to the touch and he complains of being chilled. So, I crank up the heat and swelter. No complaints….

This change in his overall health may be from the fact that we had to work outside the past few days to begin cleaning up the mess after the night of tornados. No one saw the source of the wind. All anyone could see was massive darkness, but the wind had to be over 100 mph to blow the old chicken coop off of its foundation.

The next day the winds blew almost as hard so the coop started to collapse on everything inside. We knew that we had to get things out of there or we would loose the things that we needed most in the spring…

Spring…oh, how I want it to come. In January, my husband said that he didn’t think that he would be here after March. Somehow, I am holding onto getting through March and if we get through March, then we should be able to get through April, that is when the new grandson is coming, then May and June…I want to hold onto every month and say, “See, you thought you wouldn’t be here, but now that you are, it is time to plant and look, there are the flowers….”

But, no matter, I see things are changing. My husband and I have always been a team. We play our instruments together. When we sing, we are perfect in our harmonizing and when we work, we are a team in everything that we do…

He wanted desperately to get the building off of the lawn tractor. We  need the lawn tractor. When the old tractor  finally broke down for the last time, I push mowed these 2 acres and I thought that I was going to die!!! Something that normally took a few hours, took me half of the day and I had to stop quite often to rest, but I did push mow the lawn and it looked good. So, saving the lawn tractor was top priority in rescuing our things out of the broken down shed.

Now, as we tackled everything in tandem, it was me that took the lead and it was me that came along side to pick up something that he normally would have handled easily. He would tire so easily and I would stop for a break, not because I needed it, but because he was out of breath and looking so very weak and tired.

As we toiled for the next few hours, I could see in his eyes his realization that he was loosing ground as well as muscle mass. I told him that I would start him on the protein drinks that body builders use. He said that might work.

On through the afternoon, we picked up trash, pushed and pulled lawn equipment and slowly made some headway in cleaning up this mess that was left in the wake of the storms. Then, we noticed that the shadows of evening we coming and we had to have help to get this done before darkness set in.

Before, we could call anyone, a neighbor stopped on his ATV and asked if we needed help. My husband nodded. It was a slow nod, as if it was a terrible admission of guilt. When the neighbor returned, there was in tow a younger man with him and then another neighbor next door came with a chain saw and another showed up with a tractor….

By the lengthening of the next shadow, the dead tree limb that nearly hit our truck was down,  cut up and hauled away. All of the tractors and garden equipment was out of the old, tired and worn shed and stored in the barn. Everything that needed attention was pretty much wrapped up and my husband had a smile of gratitude that would have lit up the early evening…everything was done by the beginning of twilight.

Later, he said, “Baby, we still are a great team.” I agreed. We always were a great team when it came to working side by side. Then I thought to myself how we had always worked as a team in the businesses that we owned, in the parenting that we did and in every area that really mattered.

I have always appreciated how we have worked as one. But, with each passing shadow from night till day, I seem to see him fading. Sometimes, when I look at him, it is as if I am watching him become more transparent.

Maybe it is the color of his skin that is fading or maybe it is the body becoming weaker, I don’t know. There are times when I look at him, I can almost see through him as he sits in the recliner. Yet, it is his will that never seems to fade. 

 It is his will that wants to see the face of his namesake grandson. It is his will to stay so that I don’t have to tackle the aftermath of the storms and the mess that they leave behind. It is his will that says to me, “I don’t want to leave you. But, I know that I am loosing ground.” If it were up to will, cancer would not have a chance in his life. His will is as strong as it ever was…

It was his will to have our celebration and it was a wonderful testament to his love and his desire to have something beautiful to remember. I believe that it has always been his will that has kept cancer at bay…yet, I know that it is the prayers, ours and others, that join with his will to live that has kept him past the time the doctors said he would be here on earth.

But, yet, I know that we have to yield to the Will of our Father. I am praying that it is His Will that will grant my petitions and prayers so my husband can stay and so that we can continue to be this great team…These are the prayers that begin the day and end with each passing shadow…it is the prayers….

8 thoughts on “With Each Passing Shadow

  1. Thank you, Awalkabout. It is the prayers that we live on. I greatly appreciate your prayers and all of the others who have been faithful to him in their prayers…Your comment brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for those wonderful words of comfort.

  2. Mom2 You are in my prayers also.
    I know my Dad is still around for God’s Purpose and Plan. Sometimes I feel so bad that I am not there with you both through this. My e-mails,letters and phone calls don’t feel like enough. But I have come to realize that my prayers are more powerful than any of those things. If there is anything I can do for you let me know.
    Thank you again and again for loving my Dad the way you do.

  3. My lovely, Waters,
    I know that you are always here. Your father’s purpose was to bring you into my life. At least, that is the purpose that I cherish most. All of your emails and converstaions, whether it is by blog, email or phone are drops of rain on thirsty ground and very much appreciated as well as needed. And, yes, the prayers are the wind that keeps us aloft as we travel this storm. I love you, my wonderful daughter,
    Mom II

  4. I’m so glad you are on the web again. This is a lovely, heartwarming post. I appreciate how both of you work together as a team. Know that my prayers are with you both.

    Your friend,

  5. *Smile* Thanks, Nichole3. I am so glad that I am back up and going. Thank you for all of your help to make that possible. Without the encouragement by both you and Roads, I don’t know if retrieving my blog would have happened. Much gratitude is due you…Thank you for your kind words and thank you for your prayers, especially today. I truly needed them as well as your wisdom…I am pleased that I have found a friend in you. I hope you know that you have a friend in me…

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